我意识到,我们今天在这里所做的,与其说是一场活动,不如说是一场研讨会. 我认为这告诉了我们一些重要的事情,因为我们标志着新学年的开始. “召集”这个词的拉丁词根的意思是“把我们召集在一起”,所以我们被召集起来, 在这一天,在这地方, 开始新的一年,开始新的工作, 而实际上是“重新开始”.” To re-begin as we will all continue to do for the rest of the year, 甚至是我们的余生. 其实我们总是在重新开始, 总建筑, 总是车间, 这个项目一直在进行中, 我们今天所看到的强调了艺术实践的迭代特性.
I have been reflecting on this extraordinary institution’s own practice. 在很多方面, 今年将以历年的节奏为标志:在演奏厅和练习室, 在舞台上和小团体中, We will aspire to perform at the highest caliber. We will harness our energy—and our discipline—in honing our skills.
We will all take our place in the flow of Juilliard’s history. Wynton Marsalis, who we are privileged to have leading our Jazz program, 经常谈到我们的祖先和我们对他们的亏欠——我们睿智的教务长兼院长阿拉·古兹利米安刚刚分享了一个最近的例子,向艾瑞莎·富兰克林致敬. Considering our place in the continuum is a centering activity, it links us to the generations who have come before. And together, within that continuum, is where we live. 当你们就座时,你们就成为了艺术这一宏伟信托的股东. The building of that trust is at the very center of Juilliard, as we foster the next generations who will write the next lines, 为这个故事做贡献.
So I wonder, I marvel and I dream, about what your contribution will be. And I am humbled at the possibilities that you represent. 你们所有人. From the newest student to our most senior faculty member. 半个多世纪以来,我们的老师们一直在改变年轻人的生活,让他们的生活变得更好. 我们有一支杰出的师资队伍, 既深又广的服务, life-long commitments that inspire and resonate across decades.
历史的混合, 和连续, 以及任何特定时刻的独特机会——这就是我们在茱莉亚学院插上我们旗帜的地方.
And what distinguishes our commitment, beyond excellence? 我相信在茱莉亚学院最重要的是我们培养的不仅仅是艺术家, but the full person with a full range of possibility. 我们每个人都有机会抓住这一刻,并创造一个强大的艺术声音. And to take that artistic voice and share it. We seek to foster a growing community of these voices. 你的声音. 我们共同的声音. 一个开放、多元的社区,并认识到如果不是这样,那么它就会被削弱. 一个促进民间讨论的社区, and knows that arts and culture are an antidote to division. A community of grace, and gratitude, of curiosity and conviction. 这是一个总是问自己的社区, 正如完美的公民艺术家马友友提出的一个指导性问题:“有什么是我们可以一起做而不能单独做的??”
This Convocation marks a transformational moment, 对我来说,这也是一个在我上任后为该机构制定路线的机会, so if this comes across as part convocation and part inauguration, 要知道,这是为了让你有更多的时间投入到工作中,少听我谈论它! Throughout this campus and among our alumni, 在过去的一年里,我一直在密切倾听,我听到了中心目标:为跨学科合作创造更多机会, providing a platform for generative work as an essential part of your education, as it will be in your lives; to lead the performing arts field to be ever more inclusive and to embody that principle in all we do; and to maintain and ever-enhance Juilliard’s standards of excellence.
所以, we will develop a long-term plan to those ends over the course of the next year, 有三部分框架:
First: we recognize that at Juilliard we are in an extraordinary position. 音乐, dance and drama all co-exist here on the highest level, 这提供了独特的机会. As I said in my introductory message to campus on July 1st,今天的艺术家都是企业家, 教育工作者, 领导人, 合作者和变革推动者. 艺术生涯是想象出来的, 新概念, and applied in ever more inventive and community-building ways, 这样做的时候, we spark and re-spark our imaginations and refresh our artistic expression. 导演艾娃·杜韦内(Ava DuVernay)有句话,我经常想起:“财富在小众市场。.她的意思是, you need to actively create our own niches, 并不断创造和发明它们. 保持彼此合作, 相互借鉴, and making opportunities for what they 呼叫 in ecology, the edge effect: in the overlap of edges between ecosystems, 我们发现了最大的生物多样性, 最大数量的新生命.
因此,我们将探索和扩展我们的合作活动,我们自己在学校的重叠部分. We see the beginnings of this in Evan’s All-School Jam Session, 并且越来越重视编程,为你们学生提供跨学科的机会. 作为这段旅程的一部分, this year we welcome our new 创造性的伙伴, several of whom you have already met today: Lil Buck, 卡罗琳·肖, 还有比尔·欧文,我们的乐队还将包括第一年的乐队指挥, 钢琴家, 作曲家兼校友乔恩·巴蒂斯特, and tap dancer and choreographer Michelle Dorrance, who has already been working with us this past week. They all exemplify collaborative and adventurous artistic excellence, they embrace the risk of creative enterprise, and they brilliantly navigate the DIY world you will all be entering. 我要感谢乔迪和约翰·阿恩霍尔德对这项新计划以及我们将开展的其他创意企业工作的支持.
并为我们这个充满活力的引擎增添额外的创造力, we are also introducing a visual arts program, JuilliArt. Most of you will have seen by now the initial installation in our lobby, 一系列基思·哈林的平版版画和一件由朱莉娅·格伦和基思·哈林基金会借给我们的精美雕塑. 我们与茱莉亚艺术学院的目的是满足你的想象力,激发你的灵感,并挑战你. When art surrounds us, it nourishes our spirit. 基思·哈林的个人艺术哲学与我以及我们作为公民艺术家的工作产生了共鸣. “艺术,”他说,“属于每个人.”
Which brings me to the second part of our framework:
要发出真实的声音,我们必须有意识地、积极主动地培养强大的包容性. 我很高兴地宣布我们的早期计划,为一个多年的总统倡议,以促进公平, 多样性, 对艺术的包容和归属感——无论是在茱莉亚学院,还是在更广泛的文化领域. esball世博在这一重要工作中发挥着独特的领导作用.
从本学年开始, we will embark on a range of activities and partnerships, 尤其是狮身人面像组织,他们在全国范围内培养各种优秀的古典音乐方面做出了开创性的工作. We will engage in active listening to all of you within our community, 在艺术界也是如此, 这样我们就可以设计必要的和成功的内部和外部方案. 我们将努力创造道路,让所有人都能出人头地,让所有人都能出类拔萃——从有顶级抱负但无法接受顶级培训的年轻学生, 给那些需要网络和资源来有效地推广他们的天才学生的教师. 我要感谢福特基金会与我们合作,并为这项工作提供新的资金支持.
两周前,我有幸与迎新会的领导们进行了交谈. 迎新领导你好!! I offered them a collective goal: when our new students text, 呼叫, or perhaps even write a letter home in these first few days, let’s work to be sure they say they are in exactly the right place for them. That goal is one we must embrace on every level, every day. I urge you all to be a part of this spirit and practice. It will change your experience, and that of all your fellow students. 互相倾听,互相扩展自己,你就会扩展自己. 意识到, 这就是我们之前提到的连续体, 难道不只是一种成就吗, it is one of fellowship in something larger than oneself. I believe deeply in Juilliard as a community where each of us “belongs,” and that education cannot be its best without being fully inclusive.
Which brings me to the last, and overarching element in our framework:
让esball世博成为最好的, we need to ensure the school’s overall well-being, 在我们敬业的员工每天的工作中,我们看到的是始终存在的承诺. As we begin this year we re-commit to institutional renewal, 启动一个战略规划过程,并努力增加我们为学生提供支持的方式, 以及我们整个学校. 我们可以推动新的项目, 新的伙伴关系和新的资源, which will expand the bedrock we stand upon. And this renewal will be the foundation on which we will grow and evolve.
So, let us celebrate as we begin this year. Let us work to be the most expansive artists and humans we can be, 不要限制自己, but to “contain multitudes” as the poet Walt Whitman wrote. 要真正活得精彩,活得有活力. It is my singular honor to be here with you. I want to thank all of you for your kind welcome as I begin my role. 我很感激你. 我感谢你们的家人,是他们让你们来到这里,也感谢我的家人,是他们让我来到这里和你们在一起. Thank you especially to my wife, Heather, who inspires me every day.
致我的前任, 约瑟夫Polisi, 我永远负债累累, and I continue to amass charges on the bill of advice and perspective. 我感谢我们的董事会和主席, 布鲁斯·科夫那, who support all we do here with such inspiring commitment and passion. 我对我们杰出的教师和敬业的员工深感敬畏和感激.
和你在一起, 此时此地, 我们在哪里相聚,重新开始, as we look to the future with hope and determination:
在我看来,esball世博的未来将保持其辉煌的传统,同时变得更加多样化和更具合作性. 我在esball世博看到了一种大胆、创新、不可阻挡和快乐的精神,这种精神培养了个性. And I see for Juilliard an endless continuum of beauty, of artists who launch their voices into the universe. And we get to do this, and can only do this, together. 我们开始吧! 谢谢大家.